Top 5 Advantages Of The Germany Schengen Visa

By: Admin

To visit Germany, many world nationals may need a visa. Since 1995 when Germany, as an EU Member State, also became a member state of the Schengen Area, travellers can enter Germany with a Schengen visa. Schengen Visa allows people to enter the country with a passport.

Germany Schengen Visa Types

Applying for a Germany Schengen visa costs 80 euros.
  1. Germany airport transit visa- If you need to land at a German airport to catch a flight to a non-Schengen country, you should apply for this visa.
  1. Germany Transit Visa- If you need to board a ship at a German port to travel to a non-Schengen destination, you must apply for this visa.
  1. Germany tourist visa- If you want to travel to Germany for vacations, sightseeing, exploring, or other purposes, you should apply for this visa.
  1. Visa for visiting family or friends in Germany- If you want to visit family or friends who live in Germany, you should apply for this visa.
  1. Germany business visa- If you need to enter Germany to engage in business-related activities, apply for this visa.
  1. Visa for an official visit to Germany- If you need to travel to Germany on business, apply for this visa.
  1. Germany medical visa-If you want to receive medical care from Germany, apply for this visa.
  1. Germany visa for cultural, sports, and film crew- If you want to be part of an activity related to culture, sports, religion, and films, you can apply for this visa.
  1. Germany trade fair & exhibition Visa- If you want to become a part of a trade fair or an exhibition, you can apply for this visa.
  1. Germany training/internship visa- If you wish to participate in training or an internship in Germany, you must apply for this visa.

Germany Schengen Visa Application

Requirements for applying German Schengen Visa are as follows:
  1. A Visa Application Form- fill out the form accurately and as per the information given in other documents.
  1. Declaration- a form issued by the german authorities that you need to sign.
  1. Two Passport Photos- the photos should have been taken in the last three months.
  1. Passport- the passport should not be more than ten years old and should be valid for a minimum of 3 months.
  1. Copies of your previous passport- only applicable if you have a previous passport.
  1. Round-trip Flight Itinerary- proof that you should not exceed 90 days limit.
  1. Proof Of Accommodation- a document demonstrating where you will stay at the German embassy or consulate while visiting Germany.
  1. German Travel Health Insurance-you should get travel health insurance for the entirety of Germany and all other Schengen states before submitting your application.
  1. Proof of financial funds for your trip to Germany-a foreign applicant for a German visa must be able to prove to the German Embassy or Consulate that they will have access to 45 euros per day throughout their stay in German territory.
  1. A cover letter- in this letter you will give the reason for your visit to Germany. 
  1. Proof of civil status- birth certificate for children, death certificate of spouse, and marriage certificate are included here.

Germany Schengen Visa Processing

  1. One must determine the kind you need.
  2. Check where you need to apply for the visa application.
  3. Complete the short-stay visa application form.
  4. Collect all the legal requirements for the visa.
  5. A visa interview will be scheduled.
  6. Give your interview at a German embassy/ consulate/ VAC.
  7. After the interview, wait for the response.

Germany Schengen visa processing time takes up to a minimum of 90 days and not beyond 180 days.