All You Wanted to Know About Canada PR Visa

All You Wanted To Know About Canada PR Visa

By: Emily Wilson

Canada is a famous place for migrants from various parts of the world. Its outstanding employment opportunities, secure environment, and quality lifestyle make it a perfect destination for Indians to reside and work. Canada invites migrants via various migration programs that have pretty stress-free procedures and shorter visa processing periods.

What is a Canada Permanent Residence Visa?

Canada PR is a 5-year multiple entry visa that gives skilled overseas workers a chance to live and work within Canada. You can even expand or renew the visa after 5 years.
Following 3 years of continuous living in Canada on a permanent residence visa, you can apply for the citizenship of Canada, as well.

Eligibility for PR in Canada

To know whether you can apply for permanent residence, you need to check these factors for eligibility requirements:

1.      Education
An applicant should have senior-secondary level schooling as per the Canadian immigration standard to show eligibility for PR visa. Applicants having a greater educational level as compared to those having senior secondary level will win more points and have the advantage over other candidates.

2.      Age
There is no definite age boundary, but distinct programs might favour younger applicants by granting them more points.

3.      Adaptability
The skill to adapt in Canada also aids the applicant in gaining points. If the applicant has a relative or partner in the maple country, they can earn additional points for a PR visa.

4.      Employment Experience
The applicant needs to hold at least a year of work experience to be eligible. If the applicant has more experience, they can increase their odds of acceptance.

5.      English Language Proficiency
The applicants have to give the IELTS test to prove that they can adjust and work within the maple country. The applicants need to score at least CLB 7 in the IELTS test to qualify. At the same time, a score of CLB 9 or more can make your profile sturdier and enhance your odds of acquiring work permit acceptance.

Essential Documents Required for PR for Canada

These are a few vital documents that the applicants should have during the PR visa application process:

1.      A valid passport
2.      Evidence of finances
3.      Language test results
4.      Employment letter from a Canadian company
5.      Marriage or divorce certificate (if applicable)
6.      Health report
7.      Recent photographs of the applicants
8.      Letter of recommendation from past employers
9.      Birth certificate
10.  Education Credential Assessment
11.  Express Entry Profile number
12.  Police verification code
13.  Job Seeker validation code

What is the Quickest Way to Migrate to Canada?

1.      Express Entry Program
Express Entry has proved to be among the quickest and most efficient ways of migrating to Canada. You can submit the application online, and the average processing time is 6 months.

2.      Global Talent Stream
After gaining 6 months of work experience in Canada with this permit, you can apply for PR. The processing time can be somewhere from 4 to 6 months.

The citizenship visa application is likely to get rejected due to Age, education, work experience, and language proficiency are the key factors that play a crucial role in eligibility for PR in Canada.